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Faculty in the Department of Kinesiology concentrate their research in six interdisciplinary areas of study: Athletic Training and Sports MedicineBiomechanics, Exercise Physiology, History and Philosophy of Sport, Motor Control, and Psychology of Physical Activity.

The department is led by some of the world's most renowned and respected scholars who serve as editors of scholarly journals, on international and national advisory boards, as leaders of important professional organizations, and on scientific review panels for federal funding agencies.

Kinesiology laboratories are primarily based in Noll Laboratory, including the Clinical Research Center, and the Biomechanics Laboratory in Rec Hall.

laser treatment device against an injured knee

Athletic Training and Sports Medicine

The Athletic Training Research Laboratory studies the delivery of clinical health services to physically active individuals.

Faculty in the group investigate the pathoetiology, prevention, assessment, and treatment of common athletic and orthopedic injuries.

computer-generated motion capture image of person running


Biomechanics research at Penn State encompasses several sub-domains of the disciplines.

These include the application of biomechanical principles to motor control and neurological problems, understanding how muscle properties dictate the coordination of movement, exploring the mechanical behavior of musculoskeletal structures at the tissue level, and exploring innovative solutions to orthopedic problems. 

research subject in Human Thermoregulation Lab

Exercise Physiology

Exercise physiology faculty are dedicated to studying physiology, especially as it relates to health and disease.

They investigate specific physiological mechanisms underlying the positive health effects of physical activity and the adverse health effects of physical inactivity.

The ultimate goal is to improve human health across the lifespan.

book held open to show old Penn State sports programs

History and Philosophy of Sport

The History and Philosophy of Sport program focuses on the ethical, philosophical, historical, and cultural dynamics that shape sport and physical activity and their meanings in contemporary and historical societies.

Faculty examine how these physical practices intersect with cultural, social, racial, gender, and political dimensions of people's experiences.

Research participant's hand placed over a finger movement sensor device

Motor Control

Motor Control faculty examine the cognitive, neurophysiological, and biomechanical foundations of voluntary movements and posture.

Among other topics, faculty study the neural foundations of basic motor control mechanisms in order to understand motor dysfunction and recovery of function.

Two women discussing their smart watches after exercise

Psychology of Physical Activity

Psychology of Physical Activity faculty study a range of topics aimed to promote physical-activity and human health

including physical-activity behavioral interventions, health disparities, group dynamics, and the neuropsychological aspects of traumatic brain injury in sport. Faculty often leave the lab to study personal and community environments, with innovative research employing personal devices to study health behavior.

blood pressure being taken

Learn about kinesiology's current research studies and how you can participate.