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Policy # : 03-01

Effective: July 1, 2003

Revised: N/A

Section: Operations and Services

Subject: Performing PC Service Calls Off Campus


To establish a procedure by which ISS will perform computer service tasks (i.e. enabling remote access or installation and debugging of PC systems) at off campus locations for units in the College of Health and Human Development (CHHD).

A “unit” is a department, research center, or school in CHHD. ”On campus” is defined as our normal service territory. This is the area of the University Park campus bounded by Park Avenue on the north, College Avenue on the south, University Drive on the east, and Atherton Street on the west. As there are CHHD employees located in the Research Buildings (to the East of University Drive) and Marion Place (Pugh Street downtown), those locations are part of our normal service coverage area. “Off campus” includes all other locations not listed as “on campus.”


All full-time and part-time ISS employees and all employees of the college.


Occasionally ISS is called upon to perform PC service duties at off campus sites. This involves travel by an ISS technician to remote locations using their personal vehicle. The University has guidelines that address university personnel performing their duties while using their personal vehicles. They also address the transportation of University property in personal vehicles. On the use of a private vehicle, Policy TR04 states:

In the event of an accident involving injuries or damages to other persons or property while a privately-owned vehicle is used on University business, the employee must notify the University Risk Management Office. Such notification is necessary to provide for any potential involvement of the University. The financial loss for damage to a privately-owned vehicle used on business is not reimbursable by the University.

Please acquaint yourself with Policy TR04 before accepting an off campus assignment.

If there is a genuine need for ISS personnel to perform duties off campus, ISS must receive proof that the work has been approved by an appropriate authority in the college. Verbal or written communication from the faculty or staff member stating that my department agreed to pay for the service call is not sufficient. The appropriate authority for departments in CHHD is the Department Head. For research centers and schools, it would be the Director of that unit. If the request involves a Dean’s Office employee, those authorized to approve such work are the Dean’s Special Assistant (currently Chris Calkins) or the Dean.

Valid forms of authorization are email messages or hard copy memos. An authorization is needed so ISS is assured that the charges for the work will be borne by the department, center, or school making the request. The work will be charged to that unit’s paid up time following our customary billing practices or if the unit has exhausted it’s paid up time, they will be billed and payment can be made via an IDCC.

If the unit will not pay the charges for the work, the party requesting the service can contract with an ISS technician on a consulting basis. In this case, all specifics about the job are between the party requesting the service and the technician. ISS absolves itself from all responsibilities concerning the work performed under consulting arrangements.