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What is Health and Human Development?

Diverse fields of study that share one
common goal: enriching the lives of others.

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Goal 1: Supporting Student Success

Objective 1.3.: Build interprofessional education opportunities and expand engaged learning opportunities for undergraduates

Action Item 1.3.1

Expand funding for interprofessional and engaged learning innovation developed at the academic unit level and provide central support for developing and submitting external grant proposals to scale successful innovations.

Implementation Tasks icon-olus-circle
  • Establish ad hoc task force to identify potential external funding programs to support undergraduate research, interprofessional educational innovations, internships and experiential learning, study abroad and global experiences, entrepreneurship and innovation engagement, and other engaged learning activities for undergraduates.
  • Identify funding and develop RFP process to support pilot efforts that align with potential external sources of funding
  • Fund 1 or more pilot programs annually and develop support for scaling successful pilots for external funding support
  • Work with Student Affairs, Student Engagement Network, Undergraduate Research and Fellowships Mentoring and other university offices to connect HHD students to opportunities through these departments
Responsible Party icon-olus-circle

Associate Dean for Undergraduate and Outreach Programs and Assistant Dean for Student Services and Engagement

Metrics icon-olus-circle

List of external funding sources developed by ad hoc task force; RFP process developed and initial pilot funding requests submitted; One or more pilot programs successfully launched and external funding proposal submitted

Start and End Dates icon-olus-circle

Summer 2023- Summer 2025

Action Item 1.3.2

Develop learning spaces to facilitate interprofessional experiences for students in clinical health sciences programs and explore collaborative opportunities with other Penn State clinical health sciences-oriented programs (psychology, nursing, rehabilitation and human services).  

Implementation Tasks icon-olus-circle
  • Conduct an inventory of dedicated learning spaces relevant to the clinical health sciences programs across the college and university and identify needs and collaborative opportunities.
  • Organize a meeting to explore and exchange ideas with those who oversee current learning spaces with a goal of potential collaboration.
  • Propose a facilities plan that matches student interprofessional experiences needed to advance HHD educational mission with collaborative opportunities and identifies new facilities needed to meet educational goals unmet through existing spaces and collaborative opportunities
Responsible Party icon-olus-circle

Assistant Dean for Operations 

Metrics icon-olus-circle

Inventory of existing learning spaces completed and reviewed by HHD Executive Committee; Meeting(s) with leaders of other units to review collaborative opportunities completed; Draft of facilities plan completed and reviewed by HHD Executive Committee

Start and End Dates icon-olus-circle

Fall 2021- Fall 2023

Action Item 1.3.3

Expand engaged learning opportunities including through plans to integrate remote engaged learning models that proved effective through the COVID-19 period.

Implementation Tasks icon-olus-circle
  • Have ad hoc task force review experiences with remote engaged learning opportunities (including, but not limited to internships, research, and global experiences) within HHD departments and, where relevant, across Penn State and identify sustainable and successful models that emerged during this period.
  • Disseminate summary of best practices models of remote engaged learning opportunities and develop funding support for scaling one or more collaborations in partnership with Student Engagement Network or others.
  • Expand engaged learning opportunities including the launch of 1 or more full-scale remote engaged learning opportunities for students
Responsible Party icon-olus-circle

Associate Dean for Undergraduate and Outreach Programs

Metrics icon-olus-circle

Recommendations of effective new strategies for remote engaged learning models will be disseminated college-wide; Pilot funding awarded to 1 or more departments to scale a remote engaged learning program 

Start and End Dates icon-olus-circle

Summer 2022- Summer 2024

Action Item 1.3.4

Expand the use of Prior Learning Assessment and online/hybrid educational models and maximize transfer credit opportunities to create additional pathways to successful academic progress for traditional age and adult learners.

Implementation Tasks icon-olus-circle
  • Complete and disseminate HHD guidelines for Credit by Portfolio
  • Create HHD guidelines for Credit through Non-collegiate Organizations
  • Work with undergraduate programs in HHD to develop Credit by Exam opportunities for at least 2 classes in each department
  • Work with Office for Prior Learning Assessment and University Admissions Office to communicate HHD Guidelines and opportunities for PLA and transfer credit to prospective students
Responsible Party icon-olus-circle

Associate Dean for Undergraduate and Outreach Programs

Metrics icon-olus-circle

HHD Credit by Portfolio and Credit through Non-collegiate organizations guidelines are published on HHD and PLA websites; Department submission of courses and exams for use in credit by examination

Start and End Dates icon-olus-circle


Key Performance Indicators

Number of submitted and funded internal RFPs for interprofessional and engaged learning opportunities; Number of submitted and funded external proposals and externally funded dollars supporting interprofessional and engaged learning; Number of HHD students and student organizations participating in programs and/or receiving funding through Student Engagement Network, Student Affairs, or URFM; Delivery of facilities plan to Dean of Health and Human Development and HHD Philanthropy Council; Number of students participating in engaged learning and remote engaged learning opportunities; Number of credit by portfolio, credit by exam, credit through Non-collegiate Organization applications and affiliation agreements approved by HHD departments and Office of Undergraduate Education; Number of adult learners in HHD online and residential programs (including programs on campuses); Graduation rate and revenue growth in online HHD programs