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Faculty/Staff Resources
What is Health and Human Development?

Diverse fields of study that share one
common goal: enriching the lives of others.

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The College of Health and Human Development is committed to creating a workplace that is safe and healthy for everyone.

Our employees, students, and visitors are our most valuable assets and as such, their safety and health is our first and highest priority. Safety is essential to all of our functions and leadership fully supports the Penn State Environmental Health and Safety Policy.


Our objective is to have a safe work environment, with an ultimate goal of zero work-related injuries and illnesses.

  • Administration and management is responsible for leadership of the overall safety effort. Administration and management will support an effective accident prevention program.
  • Supervisors and Principal Investigators are responsible for maintaining safe work conditions within their assigned areas and for ensuring that all operations are carried out with the utmost regard for safety.
  • Employees will be required to consistently follow all established safety procedures and promptly report workplace hazards, near misses, injuries, and illness.
  • Departmental safety committees include faculty, staff, and student representatives and are tasked with identifying and implementing safety and health enhancements in their respective areas.
  • The Health and Human Development Safety Coordinator is available to provide consultation regarding workplace hazards and help align prevention efforts among the departmental committees and throughout the college.

The College of Health and Human Development strongly encourages everyone to make safety and health an integral part of their daily activities. With mutual acceptance of these responsibilities to conduct our operations safely, we will all contribute to each other’s well-being.