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What is Health and Human Development?

Diverse fields of study that share one
common goal: enriching the lives of others.

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Goal 1: Supporting Student Success 

Objective 1.6.: Promote data-driven college-wide systems approach to student success 

Action Item 1.6.1

Work toward the development of tools and processes that monitor student progress (at the group and individual level) that are easily accessible to students, advisers, and faculty and that can be used, not only to report at the group level, but also to prompt timely individual-level action to assure academic progress.

Implementation Tasks icon-olus-circle
  • Create task force and survey academic units to determine the scope of need for data and data analysis.
  • Leverage resources of University Office of Planning Assessment and Institutional Research and work with them to provide better real-time data on persistence, retention, and time to graduation.
  • Address need for dedicated staff time to conduct data analysis and disseminate reports in a timely manner. 
Responsible Party icon-olus-circle

Task force led by Assistant Dean for Student Services and Engagement

Metrics icon-olus-circle

Survey of academic units completed and results shared at HHD Executive Committee; Meeting(s) held with OPAIR and informal agreement on partnership for data developed; Staff training initiated and initial report on student success metrics shared with departments.

Start and End Dates icon-olus-circle

Spring 2022- Spring 2024

Action Item 1.6.2

Better coordinate and integrate post-graduation data collection across multiple levels (University, college, program).

Implementation Tasks icon-olus-circle
  • Explore existing efforts and identify strategies for changes to college and department efforts for data, data collection, and data analysis.
  • Create plan for comprehensive and coordinated data collection effort by HHD and its departments that complements exiting University efforts.
  • Implement plan for data collection by HHD and its departments on student and alumni success measures and create initiate report on student and alumni success.
Responsible Party icon-olus-circle

Alumni Relations Director; Associate Dean for Undergraduate and Outreach Programs

Metrics icon-olus-circle

Task Force completes review of existing efforts and outlines future strategies; Plan for new data collection presented and reviewed by HHD Executive Committee; Data collection plan completed and departments and college initiate effort

Start and End Dates icon-olus-circle

Summer 2022- Summer 2025

Action Item 1.6.3

Create Strategic Indicators and Metrics reporting to enable timely strategic action and enhance accountability.

Implementation Tasks icon-olus-circle
  • Create draft list of potential strategic indicators and metrics
  • Identify final list of indicators and metrics to be used.
  • Begin regular collection and reporting of strategic indicators and metrics
Responsible Party icon-olus-circle

Associate Dean for Undergraduate and Outreach Programs

Metrics icon-olus-circle

Creation of final list of indicators and metrics; Publishing initial report on indicators and metrics.

Start and End Dates icon-olus-circle


Key Performance Indicators

Within three years, departments will receive semester reports on student success metrics such as persistence, retention, time to graduation, and other metrics; Within five years, individual departments and HHD will see improvements in retention and graduation outcomes; Within five years, all departments will have data available on student and alumni success measures..