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Goal 4: Improving college operations and resources

Objective 4.3: Develop a more proactive and transparent approach to facilities management, maintenance, modification, and potential expansion/contraction. 

Action Item 4.3.1

Create a multi-year plan for each operational and academic unit around  facilities maintenance, modification, and expansion/contraction.

Implementation Tasks icon-olus-circle
  • Develop planning template and process for updating.
  • Develop initial plans.
  • Ongoing updates as needed.  Repeat at re-assessment at preset intervals (as long as process is supporting action
Responsible Party icon-olus-circle

HHD Facilities team and unit leadership.

Metrics icon-olus-circle

Template developed; initial plans created.

Start and end dates icon-olus-circle

Fall 2022 – fall 2023  and ongoing.

Action item 4.3.2

Pursue collaboration with OPP around the development of a formal college facilities Masterplan

Implementation Task icon-olus-circle
  • HHD Leadership and Facilities representatives continue to communicate and meet with OPP to catalyze formal plan creation.
  • Once initiated, college process described in the previous action item is effectively integrated into larger strategy.
Responsible Party icon-olus-circle


Metrics icon-olus-circle

Facilities master planning process launched.  

Start and end dates icon-olus-circle

Spring 2021 and ongoing.

Action Item 4.3.3

Build process for incorporating facilities-related expenditures into budgeting process

Implementation Tasks icon-olus-circle
  • In coordination with OPP, develop tools and products that allow timely development of rough cost estimates for discrete elements of facilities projects.
  • Develop budget processes at the appropriate level (college / unit) to plan for facilities expenditures from a multi-year perspective.
Responsible Party icon-olus-circle

HHD Facilities (tool development) and Finance Office (budget process)

Metrics icon-olus-circle

Tools developed; budget integration complete.  

Start and end dates icon-olus-circle

Fall 2021 – Spring 2022

Key Performance Indicators

College, including all central and academic units, actively engaged in a multi-level proactive process to maintain current facilities and plan for growth (or contraction) as needed in support of ongoing core activities and emerging priorities.