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What is Health and Human Development?

Diverse fields of study that share one
common goal: enriching the lives of others.

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Goal 1: Supporting Student Success 

Objective 1.5.: Invest in human resources and professional development to enhance student success 

Action Item 1.5.1

Develop an advising and student support learning pathway to be offered to all advisers, appropriate staff and to faculty on coordinated and collaborative approaches to student success.

Action Item 1.5.2

Expand undergraduate staffing focused on student success and collaborate with Penn State Learning, the Penn State Student Success Center, and the Penn State Parents Program to enhance peer tutoring and mentoring and explore interventions to increase retention.

Action Item 1.5.3

Expand and increase support for professional development opportunities for the HHD teaching community to build upon their teaching skills, especially as it relates to an online/remote/hybrid learning environment and inclusive teaching models.

Key Performance Indicators

Number of HHD advisers and faculty who have completed the learning pathway; Number and percentage of HHD faculty completing recommended teaching development activities in their annual Activity Insight report; Number of HHD faculty and number of proposals submitted to internal teaching enhancement programs; Number of articles published by HHD faculty on teaching and learning