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Neuroscientists study brain scans.

The Social and Behavioral Neuroscience dual title program is ideal for students interested in the study of human behavior, social and behavioral development and person/environment interactions, from a neuroscience perspective.

Neuroscience is a broad topic spanning the study of the individuals, to the complex integration of neural networks, implications for behavior, and the dynamic integration with the biological and experiential environment. As a discipline, neuroscience integrates with many other disciplines in biological, engineering, and social sciences.

Students interested in graduate work in neuroscience have two options at Penn State

Inter-Departmental Graduate Program (IDGP) in Neuroscience

The Inter-Departmental Graduate Program (IDGP) in Neuroscience is ideal for students wishing to receive a Ph.D. in Neuroscience, with a strong focus on neurobiology.

Dual title in Social and Behavioral Neuroscience (SBN)

Dual-title options at Penn State provide opportunities for graduate students to demonstrate expertise in a specific application of their degree, by enabling students to earn a doctoral degree title in both their home program and the area of specialization.

The Social and Behavioral Neuroscience dual title program is available to students who are admitted to a doctoral program in Communication Sciences and DisordersHuman Development and Family Studies, Psychology, Nutritional Sciences, or Biobehavioral Health.

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Frequently Asked Questions

View Frequently Asked Questions about the dual-title program in Social and Behavioral Neuroscience.