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What is Health and Human Development?

Diverse fields of study that share one
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Goal 3: Expand, Diversify, and Support Our Community 

Objective 3.6: Extend and deepen engagement with our alumni community.

Action Item 3.6.1

Extend and expand programing and communication/outreach targeted at alumni.

Action Item 3.6.2

Create more issue-oriented programing for alumni that highlights the research and service work of our faculty and students, and connects these themes to the work being done by, and issues of interest to, our graduates.

Action Item 3.6.3

Continuously engage with academic unit alumni mentoring and classroom visitation programs (e.g., alumni in the classroom), promulgate resources for successful models across academic units, and support extension of these programs across academic units.

Action item 3.6.4

Consolidate and share best practices used by academic units locally to engage alumni, including specific populations of special interest (e.g., young alumni, alumni from diverse backgrounds,  parents and family members).

Key Performance Indicators

Increased alumni participation in issue-oriented events and increased alumni involvement with academic units focused on student engagement and local academic unit priorities.