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University Park classes, activities and work are canceled from 5 a.m. through noon on Thursday, Feb. 6. Only employees who perform essential services should report. More info >>

What is Health and Human Development?

Diverse fields of study that share one
common goal: enriching the lives of others.

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Conversation with two guys while cooking.
Safer People Safer Places network
The Safer People Safer Places network seeks to create a safer and more inclusive environment for sexual and gender diversity. The network is a campus-wide program designed to raise visibility about the LGBTQ+ population, increase the understanding of issues facing LGBTQ+ students, faculty, and staff, and raise the awareness of the various LGBTQ+ resources available across Penn State.
The Centre LGBTQA Support Network 
State College PRIDE goes virtual! See the schedule, and sign on for the GAYLA, films, post-screening discussions, Drag Zoomba, Arts & Crafts and more!  For the schedule, visit: The Centre LGBTQA Support Network partners with the Centre Film Festival and other community organizations to bring you a weekend of social interaction, advocacy, and support or all ages! The mission of Centre LGBTQA Support Network is to bring the community together through LGBTQA education and activities in the Centre region.
Peer Education Program
Do you have an interest in educating peers about gender diversity and how to be an ally? Students interested in becoming a Student Voice panelist or Student Ally Workshop facilitator should complete an application and the Peer Educator training. Apply here or email the Peer Education coordinator at for more information.
LIONS is a collaboration between UHS and CAPS to bring compassionate gender diverse care to Penn State's campus!