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University Park classes, activities and work are canceled from 5 a.m. through noon on Thursday, Feb. 6. Only employees who perform essential services should report. More info >>

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Use of the ‘Center’ Designation

This document outlines criteria and guidelines (including for a uniform financial operating model) for College Research Centers. There may, however, be other entities in the college that can utilize the ‘center’ name without being a College Research Center operating under this model. These include:

  • Centers that exist primarily for non-research purposes.
  • Research activity supported by funder-designated “center” grants. These may be part of a College Research Center but their award does not guarantee College Research Center designation. Permission to use the research center label must be approved by the associate dean for research.
  • Entities supporting research that have been given a center name prior to the enactment of these guidelines and have received permission from the associate dean for research to continue to use the designation.