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Goal 3: Expand, Diversify, and Support Our Community 

Objective 3.1.1: Broaden and deepen college-level participation in diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging program development, monitoring and engagement 

Action Item 3.1.1

Expand the HHD Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Leadership Council (DEILC)  to include additional faculty and staff voices, including academic unit diversity committee chairs, faculty from under-represented groups, and student members.

Implementation Tasks icon-olus-circle
  • Capitalize on acceptance of virtual events during pandemics to continue post-pandemic and continue to explore the integration of new platforms, such as Remo, to enhance and strengthen the overall virtual experience for participants.
  • Extend access to other College programming (e.g., Dean’s Lecture Series) to alumni, friends and parents.


Responsible party icon-olus-circle

HHD Alumni Relations

Metrics icon-olus-circle

Virtual alumni events incorporated into regular alumni event calendar; access to college programming routinely extended to alumni.

Start and end dates icon-olus-circle

Fall 2021 – Fall 2022 then ongoing

Action Item 3.1.2

Create a new position at the associate dean level in the college charged with leading collegewide efforts in diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging and integrating diversity, equity and inclusion efforts into all college activities.

Implementation tasks icon-olus-circle
  • Develop a three-part virtual alumni-institute series focusing on one specific theme within the college (nominal charge for this type of programming) 
  • Partner with other colleges, campuses, or alumni chapters to broaden the reach of alumni-focused programming.
Responsible party icon-olus-circle

HHD Alumni Relations and HHD Communications

Metrics icon-olus-circle

Institute offered; partnerships cultivated.

Start and end dates icon-olus-circle

Fall 2021 – ongoing (planning); first alumni-institute by end of  AY2023

Key Performance Indicators

Increased numbers of individuals, drawn from all points of the organization, meaningfully engaged in college-level DEI planning.