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What is Health and Human Development?

Diverse fields of study that share one
common goal: enriching the lives of others.

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As you would when applying for internships or jobs, you will want to contact several faculty members. We recommend reaching out to at least four different labs, but do your homework first.

  1. Identify people or programs that align with your research interests. You don’t have to stay within your department. HHD is very multidisciplinary.
  2. Once you identify a research opportunity that seems interesting, spend time learning about the scientist's research by reviewing the web site, searching the investigator on, and/or reading an article or two written by the researchers. When the time comes you will sound genuine and well informed.
  3. Send emails. Take time to read over the Do’s and Don’ts, first.


  • Contact at least 4 faculty members
  • Address the individual you are emailing by their name (i.e. Professor Brown, Dr. Green)
  • Tell them who you are – name, major, year of study
  • Let them know why you are interested in research based on what you have previously learned about their work
  • Make it easy to schedule a meeting
  • Follow up if you do not hear back within a week


  • Send generic emails. Make sure every email you send is personalized; don’t let your message look like a form letter
  • Forget to proofread
  • Give up! You may not be successful right away, but keep trying. Don’t be afraid to reach out to professors who have turned you down to ask them for suggestions about other people whom you should contact

Writing your email

To: Professor’s work email address

Subject: Question about something related to their research

  • Introduce yourself – major, year of study, etc. Tell them you are interested in learning more about research broadly, and their research specifically. If you know the faculty member, explain how
  • State why you are interested in research in general. What are your goals? What are your career interests and how do they relate to research?
  • Indicate you have read about their research, and express particular interest. Talk about what you hope to learn as it relates to something you are interested in or have already learned
  • Close by asking if they would be willing to meet with you to talk about their research and for advice on how to get involved in research in general
  • Make it easy to schedule the meeting by listing a few time blocks that work with your schedule. If you feel up to it, you can include a copy of your class schedule below your signature

Advice on this page adapted from our awesome colleagues at the Eberly College of Science.