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What is Health and Human Development?

Diverse fields of study that share one
common goal: enriching the lives of others.

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The Martha “Marty” Adams Undergraduate Advising Award honors and recognizes full-time undergraduate advisors in the College of Health and Human Development.

Eligibility icon-olus-circle

Consideration for this award shall be given to full-time undergraduate academic advisors who:

  • have been employed in the College of Health and Human Development, or successor academic unit, for a minimum of three years and
  • demonstrate a deep commitment to students with a focus on students' personal and professional development through academic and career advising.

Each award shall be made for one academic year. Further extraordinary accomplishments by a recipient may enable that recipient to be again considered for this award, but the award shall not be granted to the same recipient two consecutive years.

Nominate icon-olus-circle

Any employee of the College or University, students, alumna, alumnus, or emeritus faculty or administrators may nominate candidates.

To submit a nomination, please complete the on-line nomination form and provide the following documentation:

  • A nomination letter from faculty and/or the administration
  • A nomination letter from a current student advisee or an alumni who was an advisee.
Selection icon-olus-circle

The Martha “Marty” Adams Undergraduate Advising Award shall be made to one staff member according to the above stated criteria. Recipient of this award shall be selected by a selection committee appointed by the Associate Dean for Undergraduate Studies and Outreach.

Recipient will be notified early in the fall semester. A recognition gift and a monetary award will be presented to the recipient during the fall HHD Annual Awards Ceremony.

Questions icon-olus-circle

If you have any questions about the award or nomination process, please call (814) 865-1428 or email