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Voting Members of the Board of Directors

Jenny Coutts RD '15

Sarah Brandmeier '14
Past President

Madison Galascio, RD, LDN '19

Markay Bressler MBA, RDN, C-IAYT '07
Mentoring Chair

Communications Chair

Emily Roberts MS, '15
Awards Chair

Jennifer Fleming PhD. MS, RDN, LDN 

Social & Professional Chair


Non-Voting Members

Meg Bruening, '03
Head, Department of Nutritional Sciences

Denise Lawson, '00
Department Liaison

Kayla Ellen Tate, NGSA student representative

Maggie Medvetz, SNA student representative 


Past Presidents

Sarah Brandmeier '14 NUTR
Nick McCormick '09, '14g NUTR
Barbara Kochanowski '79 NUTR
Jennifer Pullman, `98 NUTR
Sandra Schlicker, '65 SCI, '67g, '70 NUTR
Christine Lewis Taylor ’77g, ’86g
Domingo Pinero ’98g NUTR
Amy Mackey '97g NUTRN
Paula Leuenberger '76
Amy Rossi Mobley '96
Debra Ollinger Miller '96g BBH
Idamarie Laquatra '75, '79g, '83g
Gregory Miller '82g, '86g