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What is Health and Human Development?

Diverse fields of study that share one
common goal: enriching the lives of others.

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Per the Faculty Senate Policy 83.80 a candidate for a first baccalaureate degree shall earn the last 60 credits required for that degree within a total elapsed time of five calendar years, but an extension of time shall be granted for intervening military service. However, if there are extenuating circumstances a student may request a waiver of this policy. For additional information please review Faculty Senate Policy 83.80.

Please complete this form to request the waiver. The waiver must be supported by your Academic Adviser and the Program Chair of your Department.

Student Contact Information

Use only numbers, no dashes.
9 Your student ID should be nine (9) digits.

Re-enrollment Information

Last Enrolled Information

Enter your last enrolled semester and year.
Semester Year
Select Your Adviser
Please indicate whether the reason for a break was "intervening military service."

Number of Credits Left to Earn Degree