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What is Health and Human Development?

Diverse fields of study that share one
common goal: enriching the lives of others.

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Student Resources

Being an underrepresented student of the undergraduate or graduate community can feel isolating. We strive to provide resources, encourage committees and organizations, offer support, and listen to our students to best serve their needs. We hope that some of the items listed below are helpful to you in your pursuit of higher education.

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General Resources

Additional Resources for Graduate Students

  • The Office for Graduate Educational Equity Programs designs and implements mentoring programs; recruitment programs; professional development and retention programs; and conferences, seminars, workshops, and lectures.

  • The Forum on Black Affairs is comprised of faculty, staff, and graduate students dedicated to ensuring that all Black persons at Penn State participate fully in and benefit from the mission of the University.

  • The Sloan Scholars Program provides funding for underrepresented students to pursue doctorates in mathematics, science, and engineering. The program specifically targets African Americans, Hispanic Americans and Native Americans. All must be U.S. citizens. Students in Health and Human Development’s technical disciplines are eligible to apply.

Financial Support & Scholarships icon-olus-circle

Financial Support

Paying for your college education can be intimidating and in some cases, even confusing. To gain a better understanding of Penn State financial aid, visit Financial Aid and Scholarships and College Scholarships or you can schedule an appointment virtually or in person to discuss financial aid and scholarship awarding with the HHD Student Enrollment Services Team.

Emergency funding requests can be sent to

Additionally, you can schedule an appointment with a financial aid specialist through the Office of Student Aid. The Financial and Life Skills Center provides resources for students regarding money management.


Do you need additional aid to support your collegiate career? Check out the University resources and scholarships below. Use the links provided to learn more about each scholarship and review eligibility and application requirements.

Misconduct & Discrimination Prevention

Generic Stock Photo of Woman Holding Phone with Laptop Open
Generic Stock Photo of Woman Holding Phone with Laptop Open
If you are aware of any actions that discriminate or disproportionately favor one person or group of people over another based on superficial/inaccurate perception, please use this link to report it. Report Bias is a webform for reporting acts of bias or intolerance that occur at Penn State.