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What is Health and Human Development?

Diverse fields of study that share one
common goal: enriching the lives of others.

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Health and Human Development Building from downtown State College

Staff & Faculty Resources

The College of Health and Human Development is committed to representing a broad spectrum of individuals with different backgrounds, experiences, and skillsets to best serve each other and the students within our college. Our comprehensive workforce diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging strategy is designed to dismantle structures that reinforce inequality and actively promote a college culture that respects, supports, and values employees.

College Comprehensive Workforce Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging Strategy

We want to create a system designed to dismantle structures that reinforce inequality and actively promote a college culture that respects, supports, and values employees and our community.

This multi-pronged strategy has been refined based on feedback from the college executive committee, department diversity committees, and the college-level Staff Advisory Council.

In order to communicate the college's efforts, each new full-time faculty and staff member receives a welcome message from the dean that emphasizes diversity and equity as college values and asks all new hires to participate in asynchronous diversity, equity, and inclusion training as part of onboarding.

Misconduct & Discrimination Prevention

Generic Stock Photo of Woman Holding Phone with Laptop Open
Generic Stock Photo of Woman Holding Phone with Laptop Open
If you are aware of any actions that discriminate or disproportionately favor one person or group of people over another based on superficial/inaccurate perception, please use this link to report it. Report Bias is a webform for reporting acts of bias or intolerance that occur at Penn State.