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Purpose icon-olus-circle

This guideline outlines the types of leave available for full-time, tenure-track and non-tenure track faculty in the College of Health and Human Development. Faculty seeking a leave of absence should review this guideline and all applicable University leave policy closely prior to requesting a University leave.

Leave Approval Process icon-olus-circle

All leave requests must be initiated through and approved by Absence Management who are tasked with FMLA requests, leave of absence requests, benefit billing during a leave of absence, workers’ compensation and short-term and long-term disability claims.

Notice of Need for Leave icon-olus-circle

Faculty must follow minimum notice requirements noted in the applicable University leave policy when making a request for leave. However, the college does request that faculty preparing for a planned absence discuss with their department head, center director, or appropriate faculty supervisor as far in advance as possible to allow for time to plan for course coverage, student advising and mentorship assignments, research project deliverables, etc. When the need for leave is sudden, the faculty member should notify their department head, center director, or appropriate faculty supervisor and the unit will work with the faculty member and HHD HR to support the faculty in obtaining coverage and establishing a leave.

Absence Management 


Phone: 814-865-1782

Fax: 814-863-6227


All FMLA leave will run concurrently with all other University paid or unpaid leave.

Faculty Member's Own Illness icon-olus-circle

Faculty approved for FMLA for their own injury or illness are eligible for up to a semester of paid leave. For a 48-week appointment, this is equivalent to 16 weeks of paid time off.  Paid leave covers base pay only. Faculty on leave are typically not eligible for supplemental pay.

Faculty Parental Leave icon-olus-circle

As outlined in HRG18 Paid Parental Leave for Faculty, full salary shall be continued for at least six (6) weeks following the qualifying event defined as:

  •  Birth, including birth by surrogacy, of a child or children to the faculty member
  • The placement of a child or children for adoption with the faculty member
  • The appointment of the faculty member as the legal guardian to a child or children

Following paid parental leave, a faculty member has the option to either take a leave of absence without pay for the remainder of the semester or to be relieved of classroom and classroom-related teaching responsibilities at full pay during the semester of the qualifying event. Paid leave covers base pay only. Faculty on leave are typically not eligible for supplemental pay.

Faculty Caring for Family Member icon-olus-circle

Faculty approved for FMLA for the care of a spouse, dependent child, or parent with a serious health condition are eligible for the equivalent of the current paid parental leave offered at the University. Paid leave covers base pay only. Faculty on leave are typically not eligible for supplemental pay.

Faculty Personal Leave icon-olus-circle

Personal leave is unpaid and may be granted at the discretion of the Dean. Personal leaves will not normally exceed 12 consecutive calendar months and may be used in excess of FMLA or for reasons other than illness, maternity, or FMLA. Faculty on leave are typically not eligible for supplemental pay.

Resources icon-olus-circle

Please note: Research faculty planning to take a leave of 3 months or longer should consult with the HHD Research Office to discuss the status and management of their current research projects and grants before finalizing their leave arrangements.